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Angela Condello is Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Legal Philosophy (Rtd B) in the Law Department, University of Messina. Previously, she held a Jean Monnet Module on human rights and critical legal thinking within the European legal culture (2017-2020) at the University of Torino.


Angela has a distinguished publication record, with five monographs and several edited journal issues to her name. Her monographs include Analogica. Il doppio legame tra diritto e analogia (Giappichelli, 2018), A Theory of Law and Literature (2020), and Il diritto come metodo e la scienza algoritmica. Una critica a partire da Bobbio e Scarpelli (ETS, 2022). She has edited several journals, including Law and Literature, Law Text Culture, Rivista di Estetica, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, on top of volumes – among which Sensing the Nation's Law: Historical Inquiries into the Aesthetics of Democratic Legitimacy (Springer, 2018), Il denaro e i suoi inganni (Einaudi, 2018, Spanish translation 2020, Altamarea), Money, Social Ontology and Law (with J.R. Searle and M. Ferraris, 2019, Routledge 2019), Femminismo giuridico. Teorie e problemi (co-edited with A. Simone and I. Boiano, Mondadori, 2019, English translation 2022, Routledge), Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law (co-edited with T. Andina, Routledge, 2019, Turkish translation forthcoming in 2023), Law, Labour and the Humanities. Contemporary European Perspectives (co-edited with T. Toracca, Routledge, 2019), New Rhetorics for Contemporary Legal Discourse (Edinburgh University Press, 2020).


Her latest publication, Pensiero umano e intelligenza artificiale. Filosofia per un tempo nuovo, authored by J.R. Searle, has just been released in Italian, translated and edited by Angela. The edition includes an editor's essay as well as an interview with J.R. Searle (Castelvecchi, January 2023).

She writes entries for the Research Handbook for Law and Literature, the Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Law and Literature and the Research Handbook of Legal Semiotics. She organized the 2017 International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law in New York, with P. Goodrich.

Angela sits on the editorial board of Law and LiteratureLaw Text CultureInternational Journal for the Semiotics of LawTeoria e critica della regolazione sociale (where she also coordinates the editorial team), among other international journals, as well as of book series (such as the Springer series of Law and Visual Studies). She directs, with Anne Wagner, the Springer book series Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism.


She directs Labont Law and is the scientific curator of the Rapporto sullo stato dei diritti in Italia for A Buon Diritto, a non-profit organisation with which Angela has been collaborating since 2011.

Angela is a Fellow at the Westminster Law & Theory Lab. 

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