Francesco completed his doctoral research in legal theory at the University of Westminster with a thesis focused on answering the following, apparently trivial, questions: ‘what it means to study the law?’ and, more specifically, ‘assuming that the law is a means to an end, can the study of law be a means without ends?’.
These genuinely philosophical questions continue to fuel his research program, which can be described as an ongoing and endless reflection on the possible meanings of criticism with respect to law and on the (dys)function(ing) of a particular form of critical observation of the legal tradition that would render the latter ‘inoperative’. To this purpose he is currently exploring the similarities between Niklas Luhmann’s and Giorgio Agamben’s approaches to the law question and sociality more in general, reflecting particularly on their relevance for a critical de-systematisation of the tradition (modern and pre-modern) of legal thought.
He has also taught (and continues to do so) different subjects – including, among others, international relations theory, ethics, legal theory and critical thinking – in different universities around London (UK).